Stay at Home and Plan Your Wedding

Use This Time to Plan Your Wedding

Across the world, stay-at-home orders are being placed to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible in the midst of the pandemic. While it is difficult, it is more crucial now than ever that everyone remains home as they can and social distances from anyone they do not live with. If we all work together, at a distance, this will be over sooner rather than later.

During these uncertain times, bring some brightness back into you and your significant other’s lives. While it can’t be said when things will return to some semblance of normal, you can still plan the particulars of your special day. If you are recently engaged, take this time to think about wedding themes, color schemes, and where you may want your special day to happen. Make a list of officiants, vendors, and planners that you may want and consider contacting them to get an idea of whether or not they are a good fit for you. 

Having these details nailed down earlier rather than later will make booking and planning far more seamless when the time finally comes. In a time like this, distractions are welcome, especially those that promise happiness down the line.

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